Frustrated with increased belly fat, waxing and waning focus and energy, sleep disruptions, irritability, and moodiness?
40+ Women’s Wellness
Perimenopause can start as early as the late 30’s or early 40’s and lasts until menopause. During this phase, the production of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begins to decline. This can lead to several hormone imbalances that cause uncomfortable symptoms such as:
Irregular and painful menstrual cycles
Hot flashes
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Sleep Disturbances
Weight gain
Reduced sex drive
Brain fog, fatigue
Once a woman has gone twelve consecutive months without having her period, often in her early 50’s, she reaches menopause. This phase lasts throughout the rest of a woman’s life. During this phase, the body slowly adjusts to the hormonal changes caused by menopause. However, the road to “adjusting” can be rough. Many long-term risks are also associated with menopause like:
Increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures
Increased risk of heart disease
Vaginal dryness and decreased libido
Urinary incontinence
Thinning hair and skin
Joint stiffness and pain
Decreased ability to regulate blood sugar and insulin resistance
Let’s work together to find your optimal self.
With science-backed sustainable nutrition and lifestyle interventions we can support the symptoms of peri and post menopause – allowing you to push associated risks and potential disease outcomes to the curb. Mid-life is a time to celebrate and rediscover yourself and your passions. Here are some of the ways in which I help my female clients during mid-life:
Hormone Balancing
Eating a whole foods-based diet, getting regular exercise, incorporating a stress-reducing activity like yoga or meditation, and getting sufficient sleep are proven interventions for regulating hormones. Let me help guide you to harmonious hormones.
Weight Gain
Many clients report losing weight while working with me; however, my priority is how you feel in your body. I am not a weight-loss clinician. I promise not to measure or weigh you while under my care. I will, however, look at other health markers like your recent bloodwork, energy levels, ability to focus, lean body mass, and functional tests like your gut microbiome, blood sugar regulation, cholesterol, and thyroid function as ways to measure our success.
Customized Meal Planning
I have access to thousands of whole-foods based recipes. Together we can build daily, weekly, and monthly meal plans designed with your taste buds in mind. Filter out the foods you don’t like, avoid the ones you are sensitive or allergic to, and filter in ALL your favorites. Building recipes is one of my favorite activities. I can help make cooking at home fun, easy, and affordable.
Genetic Testing
Learn how your DNA may be helping or hindering your health journey. We can discover practical and personal interventions by using your genetic blueprint as our guide.
Body Acceptance
I use Intuitive Eating strategies to rediscover the body's innate wisdom allowing you to find your natural set-point.
Blood Sugar Regulation
Insulin drives inflammation and is the cause of many cardiometabolic diseases. It also drives weight gain, especially as we age. With simple diet and lifestyle hacks, we can keep insulin levels in check, allowing you to have your cake and eat it too!
Improved Digestion
We are just beginning to understand the microbiome's role in our health. Building a diverse and healthy microbiome is associated with better disease outcomes, improved mental health, weight loss, nutrient bioavailability, and an optimal immune response. Let's get a map of yours so you can tap into and benefit from the latest research.
Coordinated Care
Research shows the best quality of care happens when all your clinicians talk to one another and include you at the center of the discussions. I happily work with all your clinicians to ensure you get the care you deserve.